We believe that everything is more fun at camp, even rain. It’s true. Today was our first rainy afternoon, but even in the rain there is the brightest sunshine in the eyes and the hearts of our campers. The fact is, rain doesn’t really bother us at Highlander. It is part of the day, but it is not what we remember about the day. The rain makes the day different, special and honestly, tons of fun. Today was camper choice day, and your children had the BEST day today! From making slime at arts and crafts to caramel brownies at cooking, our day was full of sweet surprises, including the rain! Only at camp can you stomp in the puddles, paddle through the raindrops and dance in the storm.

I can hardly believe how quickly two weeks have passed. We have had the most amazing session with your campers. I often say that it is hard to describe camp to those who have not experienced it. The words don’t do justice to the magic… basic facts and strange names, inside jokes with loads of laughter, unexplainable joy and even misty eyes. In the end, the Camp Highlander experience is just that…something you must EXPERIENCE to fully understand.

I hope that through this blog you understand more about this amazing gift we call Highlander. Tomorrow I will spend our last day enjoying time with your children and soaking up every minute. I want to thank you for trusting us with your children, for sharing them with us and allowing them to make an impact on our camp family! They are the reason that it is ALWAYS sunny at Camp Highlander.

Favorite Details of the Day

  • Reflect at the Rock: Annie talked today about kindness. One word of kindness can change the life of one person or even change the world. Kindness is contagious and when you give one word of kindness away it multiplies to change the world around you.
  • Meals: Breakfast this morning was Belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, oatmeal, grits and fruit bar. For lunch we had meatball subs, tater tots and salad bar. For dinner, we had grilled chicken breasts, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes and mixed green salad. Everyone loved the push pops we had for dessert!
  • Weather: We started out with a beautiful morning and sunshine. The rain started during third period and hung around for most of the afternoon. That didn’t stop activities or fun! The sun came back out around dinner, and the sunset made a beautiful backdrop for EP!
  • EP: Tonight was my FAVORITE EP of the session…Rock at the Top. This is our lip sync night where cabins dress up to dance and sing along to their favorite tunes. We had everything from Katy Perry’s California Girls to Michael Jackson’s Thriller and even Do-Re-Mi from the Sound of Music! It was fantastic!!

For after all, the best thing one can do when it's raining is let it rain.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow